

Admissions Consultation 2026/27

Governing bodies who are the admission authority for their school must consult:

  • if they propose any significant changes to their admission arrangements
  • at least once in every seven years, even if no changes are planned.

Cranfield Church of England (CCoEA) Governing Board are in the process of consulting on admissions arrangements for children applying for places for the academic year beginning September 2026. The consultation will run for 6 weeks from 15th November 2024, 12pm until 10th January 2025, 12pm.

Proposed changes to the policy include:

  • A change to the oversubscription criteria – to give a higher priority for children living in catchment with a sibling in the school who will likely remain in the school at the proposed date of admission. A new priority for staff children, so that CCoEA can make sure it can recruit and retain high-quality staff to provide a high quality education.
  • To adopt a more central point for measuring distance from home-school that is central between the two school sites.
  • There is also a new reference to the school having a year 5 class, which is linked to the school’s separate statutory consultation on a proposed change of age range.

Draft Admissions Policy 2026-27 

 Your Views

We would welcome your views on our consultation. Please ensure you respond to the consultation by noon on Friday 10th January 2025. You can respond by completing the form below: 

Consultation Views 


Next Steps

After our consultation period, the governing body will consider all responses before finalising the admission policy by 28th February 2025.

Once determined, admission arrangements must be published on the school website by 15th March 2025.

Thank you for your time.