Arrival and Departure
Children must be in class and ready to start lessons at 8.50am.
The gates will be open from 8.40am and we encourage you to send your children straight to their classroom once the gates are open. At Saint Peter's Site, the blue gates at the front of the school will be opened at 8.40am. At Saint Paul's Site, the main gate is open, allowing access to the office, and the side gate is opened at 8.40am for access to classrooms. Staff will be in their classrooms waiting for your children. To help the children settle quickly into the school day they will be asked to complete a morning challenge as soon as they have put their bags and coats away. This encourages a calm, purposeful start to the day and ensures learning can start promptly. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible at the start of the day and to settle to lessons quickly. Should a parent wish to see a Teacher please leave this until the end of the day or make an appointment unless your concern is urgent.
If your child arrives after the gate is locked you will need to bring your child to the office so they can be registered. Likewise if you need to bring your child late to school, or collect them early, you will need to do this through the school office. If your child has a medical appointment please could you notify us so that we know when to expect your child back in school.
Our school monitors attendance and lateness and there are procedures in place to address any individual concerns linked to attendance. The school has an allocated Education Welfare Officer and children whose attendance is consistently poor will be referred to her.
At the end of the day Reception children (3.20pm) are collected from the Early Years playground on both sites. Years One, Two, Three and Four at both School Sites are collected from their external classroom doors. These arrangements allow us to ensure children go home with the correct adult, in addition to allowing you opportunity to speak to your child's class teacher should you wish. It is essential that the Class Teacher is informed if parents make alternative arrangements for anyone other than themselves to collect their children. Children will not be released to any other adult unless the school has received prior notification. In an emergency the school office should be informed and the children will be cared for until an adult is able to collect them. A number of our children come to school on the school bus which brings children from the university campus. The school bus is met each morning by a member of school staff and the children are guided towards their classrooms. The escort on the bus ensures that the children do not leave the bus until a member of school staff is present.
At the end of the day the children are escorted back onto the bus by a member of staff from each year group.
Walk to School:
We are committed to ensuring our children have as healthy a lifestyle as possible. As a part of our approach to this we encourage all families where possible, to walk, scoot or bike to school.
Car Parking:
Car parking space is very limited outside school and parents are asked to take care when parking to ensure the safety of everyone arriving and departing. Please be mindful of our immediate neighbours along Court Road and Braeburn Way respectively, not blocking driveways.
Please do not park on the yellow zig-zag lines outside school or across our driveway as we need to leave space for the bus to park in. We welcome both School Sites being patrolled regularly by Police Community Support Officers to ensure the safety of our children.